Edit Color Palette
Every GIF image file contains within it a color palette that defines the number of colors an image contains and the colors each index represents. The maximum number of colors that can be used in a frame is 256.
There are two kinds of palettes: Global and Local.
A Global Palette is used by all those frames in the GIF which do not have a Local Palette associated with them. The scope of the Global Palette is the entire GIF. A Local Palette is limited to a single frame. A Local Palette supersedes a Global Palette. Both types of color palettes are optional, making it possible for a GIF to contain numerous frames without a color palette at all.
- To view/edit the Global Palette of the animation, select the Animation -> Global Palette... menu item. Please note, this menu item may be disabled if the animation doesn't contain Global Palette.
- To view/edit the Local Palette of the selected frame, select the Frame -> Local Palette... menu item. Please note, this menu item may be disabled if the selected frame doesn't contain Local Palette.
After you selected the above mentioned menu item, the Edit Color Palette dialog will appear.